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Good Ole southern m Want to have wild kinky fun i don't drive due to a brain injury from the war not lookin for a nurse but a party friend who liks drinking some eating steak an some fun parting an getting wild in a very safe place.
Hair Color: Red Name: DonecFemina Marital Status: No Strings Attached Age: 60 City: East Bernard, TX 77435
Well, you clicked on my profile, there is a start! Not into the "wanna fuck" mentality. A single woman who loves to play with other women. Casual encounters in Erie, PA for threesome.
Hair Color: Brown Name: Bikelife1990 Marital Status: No Strings Attached Age: 53 City: East Bernard, TX 77435
Black or white tops for 1on1 or group fun. My husband and I are looking. I am just a guy that enjoys giving pleasure more than just receiving it. I would East Bernard, TX prefer a woman or couple to have a good time with a regular on going casual local person. Or just having fun and satisfying our needs!
Hair Color: Auburn Name: Umathurman93 Marital Status: Married Age: 21 City: East Bernard, TX 77435
Well, I like the TALL, dark, & handsome East Bernard, TX type, what woman doesnt. People who are willing to make an effort to establish an ongoing sexual relationship. Sexy sally field. The only way to really know is to make the move and say hello.

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Alternatively seeking a milf for on going fun. Im a suffolk based who loves being used as a slut one on one or by many. Looking FWB or other similar type situations. Be pleased to hear from you!!!
Looking to meet fun, intelligent, and sensual women who are up for a good time..Initially interested in online chat to see if there is conversation and a conection as that is a very big thing for us so we all know it just be right in the bedroom Having a friendship is more on our cards more then anything as like to have fun walking going out looking at TV and going out to dinner with a loving lady.
I want someone who is not judgemental and open to trying new things and going from there.
Hair Color: Black Name: VonniPerrotta1967 Marital Status: Single Age: 50 City: East Bernard, TX 77435
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Hair Color: Auburn Name: angelatrumpold Marital Status: Separated Age: 37 City: East Bernard, TX 77435
Love the outdoors, Mother Nature and concrete jungles. -- I am single & not married. I have blurred my photo for privacy but am happy to provide on request. A passion for travel, good food and wine. I am a hard working woman with a soft heart..beautiful,and communicative tooo..i try to live the simple,happy life every day.. Hello, I know there are many beautiful women, I know I am not the( hot guy) butI like nice legs hi sex drive is a must looking for woman that loves warm cuddle teddy bear.
Hair Color: Grey Name: HermannOxley241 Marital Status: Divorced Age: 42 City: East Bernard, TX 77435
About me Late 40's, sporty, outgoing and I love a good chat. As one wise man put it, i'm not looking to change, but looking to add. A lady that has no boundaries. Wives how love to fisted. We agree and talk about everything so please respect that with us.
Hair Color: Black Name: Olderisbest1985 Marital Status: Divorced Age: 25 City: East Bernard, TX 77435
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Hair Color: Black Name: ellieca78 Marital Status: Divorced Age: 26 City: East Bernard, TX 77435
I like straightforward people so please be. Im looking for casual fun preferably East Bernard, TX with older women.

Then you can't go wrong with me...

Hair Color: Grey Name: jameson6986 Marital Status: Divorced Age: 24 City: East Bernard, TX 77435
Most think im a pretyy funny guy, like the laughs, love a hit arse and a hot body, really enjoy appreciating and pleasing them. Knowledge and experience is attractive!
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